Locations Master Directory

Locations Master Directory

Are you looking for a consolidated database of Locations? – Country, State, District, Sub-District, City/Town/Village

Do you want to use it to capture validated data in your applications?

Have you faced the challenge of having more/less districts in your database than what is available?

Are you struggling to identify duplicates, as there are alternate/former names of the location in your data, providing a challenge for you to build reports?

Your search ends here!

We provide, a consolidated database of Country, State, District, Sub-District, City, Town, Village.

You can download the Country and State masters for free from our website.

In addition, this purchase enables you to get the following:

For India and Nepal – the list of states linked with District, and Sub-District is available.

For India, next level data of City/Town/Village is also available.

Data of India are as referenced from the various government data sources and consolidated.

Best Practices in using the Locations Master Directory Database

If you are building a new application, you can use our data straight away.

If you are modifying an existing database, you may want to verify the alternate/former names, compare them and use. If possible, you can maintain a mapping in your data structure against this data and use it to generate reports, without the need to modify your existing application for reports.

Data Updates

We have taken an ongoing effort of frequent consolidation of the available data.

The data is updated quarterly. In case you find the data is not up to date with a specific value, you can update us by emailing to info@meark.org.

While we do quarterly updates, should there be lot of changes happening in a particular month and you are in immediate need for such data, you can also request for a quick update by emailing us at info@meark.org.